Hiển thị bản ghi mục đơn giản

dc.contributor.authorUchiyama, Hitoshi
dc.identifier.citationUchiyama, H. (1978). Analytical Methods for Estimating Freshness of Fish. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.en
dc.description.abstractIt needs hardly be stressed that freshness is one of the essential factors of fisheries products. The quality of fresh fish as well as that of processed fisheries products depends upon the freshness of fish when it is landed at the port, delivered to the factory or sold to the consumer. Therefore, the problem of fish preservation, in other words "how to keep the freshness of caught fish", is of prime importance in order to increase the added value of marine products.en
dc.publisherTraining Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.titleAnalytical Methods for Estimation Freshness of Fishen
dc.subject.asfafishery productsen
dc.subject.asfaquality assuranceen
dc.subject.asfaprocessing fishery productsen
dc.subject.asfafish spoilageen
dc.subject.asfafood technologyen

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