Paving the path to gender equality in fisheries policies and practices in Southeast Asia
Women play multidimensional roles in households and communities along with their male fishing counterparts. Of the total population depending on capture fisheries, 47% are women (World Bank, 2012). According to current estimates from major fish producing countries, women comprise 46% of the labor force in small-scale capture fisheries related activities, including pre- and postharvest work (The WorldFish Center, 2010; Kusakabe, 2017).Based on the review of literature of key developments with regards to gender issues in fisheries in Southeast Asian countries, this paper suggests to include a diagnostic gender analysis in future fisheries research and development endeavors. It also recommends systematic channeling of resources to improve gender equity in fisheries and to ensure capacity developmentto improve the bargaining power of women throughout the various nodes of fish value chain.
Suggested Citation
Upadhyay, B. (2018). Paving the path to gender equality in fisheries policies and practices in Southeast Asia. Fish for the People , 16(2), 2-8.
; fish
; gender
; capacity building
; research
; financial institutions
; fishing
; women
; labour
; countries
; Philippines