The systematics and distribution of oceanic cephalopods in the South China Sea, Area IV: Vietnamese waters
Oceanic cephalopod exploration was conducted by M.V. SEAFDEC in Vietnamese waters during 21 April- 5 June 1999, as part of SEAFDEC’s collaborative research survey on the fisheries resources of the South China Sea Area IV (Vietnamese waters) with focus on tuna, oceanic squid and other highly migratory species. Squid fishing activities were conducted in 10 stations, ranging in the depth from 600-4000 m, using four automatic jigging machines at night. The purpleback flying squid, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Lesson, 1830) was the only species caught throughout the fishing area. Diagnosis and distribution of the species in the study area are reported.
Suggested Citation
Nateewathana, A., Siriraksophon, S., & Munprasit, A. (2001). The systematics and distribution of oceanic cephalopods in the South China Sea, Area IV: Vietnamese waters. In Proceedings of the Fourth Technical Seminar on Marine Fishery Resources Survey in the South China Sea, Area IV: Vietnamese Waters, 18-20 September 2000 (pp. 169-180). Bangkok, Thailand: Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.