Mollusc research at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center from 1989 to 1991 was primarily focused on the highly exploited window-pane oyster, Placuna placenta Linnaeus. Other species studied were the saddle-shaped oyster, Placuna sella, the slipper-shaped oyster, Crassostrea iredalei, and the green mussel, Perna viridis. Research on P. placenta aimed to develop techniques in seed production (broodstock maturation and induced spawning), transplantation, and stock assessment and restocking of depleted natural beds. The annual variations in the reproductive activity, condition index, and proximate composition of P. sella were determined. A socioeconomic study of oyster (C. iredalei) and mussel (P. viridis) farming practices in western Visayas, central Philippines is on-going and will provide information on current culture methods and their profitability. An inventory of mollusc researches conducted in the Philippines has been done and the culture techniques and research gaps are being reviewed and identified. This information will guide further research on molluscs in the Philippines.
Suggested Citation
Gallardo, W. G. (1994). Bivalves. In F. Lacanilao, R. M. Coloso, & G. F. Quinitio (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Prospects for Seafarming and Searanching; 19-23 August 1991; Iloilo City, Philippines. (pp. 40-45). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
; stocking (organisms)
; stock assessment
; mollusc culture
; induced ovulation
; mussel culture
; oyster culture
; seed production
; condition factor
; socioeconomic aspects
; reproductive cycle; reproductive behaviour
; research
; aquaculture techniques
; Perna viridis
; Placuna placenta
; Crassostrea iredalei
; Philippines, Panay I.

Taxonomic term
- ADSEA '91 [21]
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