အရာများအတွက် ရိုးရှင်းသော မှတ်တမ်းများကို ပြပါ။

dc.contributor.authorKechik, Ismail bin Awang.
dc.contributor.editorBagarinao, Teodora, U.
dc.contributor.editorFlores, Efren Ed C.
dc.identifier.citationKechik, I. A. (1995). Aquaculture in Malaysia. In T. U. Bagarinao & E. E. C. Flores (Eds.), Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-28 July, 1994 (pp. 125-135). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.en
dc.description.abstractAquaculture in Malaysia is experiencing rapid growth. Total production in 1992 amounted to 79,699 tons valued at RM 207.4 million. These figures are 23% and 25% higher than the previous year's. Semi-culture of the cockle Anadara granosa was still predominant, contributing about 70% of the total output. Culture and production of the oyster Crassostrea iredalei is still insignificant. Sea bass Lates calcarifer constituted over 80% of the production from marine cages. Cage culture of grouper Epinephelus sp., snapper Lutjanus sp. and pompano Trachinotus blochii were also done in much smaller scale. The mangrove snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus was recently spawned in captivity and larvae and juveniles were produced. In 1992, the tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon constituted about 87% of brackishwater pond production. Pond culture of the white shrimp P. merguiensis and the mudcrab Scylla sp. is at the experimental stage. Red tilapia hybrid was the major freshwater species cultured in cages, with 1,486 tons harvested in 1992. Freshwater pond production was valued at RM 100.85 million, 22% of which was due to the eel Anguilla japonica. Production of freshwater ornamental fishes is also becoming significant. Other exotic species recently bred and cultured are the African catfish Clarias gariepinus and the pacu Piaractus brachypomus. The indigenous freshwater catfish Mystus nemurus and carp Probarbus julleini have recently been bred in captivity and cultured experimentally. Lately, there have been attempts to culture non-conventional species such as the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana, the soft-shell turtle Trionyx sinensis, and aquatic ornamental plants.en
dc.publisherAquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectPenaeus monodonen
dc.subjectLutjanus argentimaculatusen
dc.subjectMystus nemurusen
dc.subjectClarias gariepinusen
dc.subjectLates calcariferen
dc.subjectTrachinotus blochiien
dc.subjectCrassostrea iredaleien
dc.subjectRana catesbeianaen
dc.subjectAnadara granosaen
dc.subjectAnguilla japonicaen
dc.subjectPiaractus brachypomusen
dc.subjectBanana prawnen
dc.subjectChinese softshell turtleen
dc.subjectGiant perchen
dc.subjectGiant tiger prawnen
dc.subjectMangrove jacken
dc.subjectTropical pompanoen
dc.titleAquaculture in Malaysiaen
dc.typeConference paperen
dc.subject.asfaaquatic plant cultivationen
dc.subject.asfafrog cultureen
dc.subject.asfashrimp cultureen
dc.subject.asfaturtle cultureen
dc.subject.asfapond cultureen
dc.subject.asfamollusc cultureen
dc.subject.asfamussel cultureen
dc.subject.asfaoyster cultureen
dc.subject.asfacrab cultureen
dc.subject.asfabrackishwater aquacultureen
dc.subject.asfaclam cultureen
dc.subject.asfaaquaculture economicsen
dc.subject.asfaaquaculture developmenten
dc.subject.asfahybrid cultureen
dc.subject.asfacage cultureen
dc.subject.asfafreshwater aquacultureen
dc.subject.asfafish cultureen
dc.citation.conferenceTitleTowards sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-28 July, 1994en
dc.subject.scientificNamePenaeus monodonen
dc.subject.scientificNameMagallana bilineataen
dc.subject.scientificNameProbarbus jullienien
dc.subject.scientificNameFenneropenaeus merguiensisen
dc.subject.scientificNamePelodiscus sinensisen
dc.subject.scientificNameLates calcariferen

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