Microbial procedure: Faecal streptococci
Streptococci are gram-positive cocci, sometimes coccobacilli, arranged in chains. This group of streptococci resides in the intestine of warm-blooded animals. They are bile resistant and capable of growth at 45°C. Fecal streptococci form part of the microflora of many foods without necessarily indicating poor hygiene. They are found in many fermented foods, such as cheese and raw sausage, and often take part in the fermentation process. However, in meat products which have received a severe heat process, the presence of excess numbers of fecal streptococci indicates unhygienic handling and/or faulty storage. Presented in the paper is the methodology of determining the presence of fecal streptococci in fish and fishery products.
Suggested Citation
Lim, P. Y. (1987). Faecal streptococci. In H. Hasegawa (Ed.), Laboratory Manual on Analytical Methods and Procedures for Fish and Fish Products (pp. E-6.1-E-6.3). Singapore: Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
; culture media
; analysis
; analytical techniques
; methodology
; fishery products
; Fishery industry; food technology
; standards
; specifications
; Aerobic bacteria; microbiological analysis
; microorganisms
; pathogenic bacteria
; pathogens
; Health and safety; public health
; microbial contamination