Quarterly Report No.8 Jul-Sept 2003 of Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD)
This is a quarterly report of the activities implementation of the LBCFM-PD (Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathwe District, Chumphon Province) during the period from July to September 2003.
In this period, Project formulation on the sister project in Langkawi, Malaysia, entitled “Locally Based Coastal Resources Management-Puala Langkawi (LBCRM-PL)” has been completed. The project officially commenced on 1st August 2003 within the framework of collaborative project arrangements.
Suggested Citation
Etoh, S. (2003). Quarterly Report No.8 Jul-Sept 2003 of Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD). Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.