
dc.contributor.authorSuanrattanachai, Phattareeya
dc.contributor.authorPhetchkamnerd, Jinda
dc.contributor.authorSaraphaivanich, Kongpathai
dc.contributor.authorKamhongsa, Jirapa
dc.contributor.authorKhunnirong, Baramee
dc.identifier.citationSuanrattanachai, P., Phetchkamnerd, J., Saraphaivanich, K., Kamhongsa, J., & Khunnirong, B. (2002). Pre-survey of the Community to Formulate Implementation Plans and Activities of the LBCRM Project: Project Site in Pathew District, Chumporn Province. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.en
dc.description.abstractThe pre-survey of the community is a rapid and simple method to charactirize the socio-economic status and environmental conditions in Pakklong Sub-district, Pathew District. The results of the pre-survey are fundamental information useful for arranging implementation plans and activities to execute phase I of the LBCRM project. The project staff users the results as preliminary data for conducting research, training and extension plans. The parameters of the fisheries sector that are in part II of the questionnaire, are very useful to the research teams for arranging research activities and planning that suit the community's environmental conditions. The socio-economic research team conducts activity I (Base line survey) through considering fishing seasons and types of fishing gear. The team uses these two parameters to design plans for regular community surveys. Therefore, these parameters help to make plans for activity III (To encourage local business). The project staff know what kinds of catch are secured and when. Then, they know what kinds of catch should be used as material for promoting fish processing products in the community. Activity III is implemented through Activity IV (To enhance human resource capacity and participation). Educational level of local residents is a parameter to enable effective levels of training course arrangements for them. The training staff find suitable resource persons and provide simple methods of knowledge and practice transfer to local trainees. Activity V (To develop extension methodologies and strengthening of the extension system for the sustainable use of coastal resources) focuses on common interests of local people to define strategies and methods to attract local people and encourage them to participate in the LBCRM project. The pre-survey results give clarification of parameters as a focusing guideline to design and implement plans to approach each activity.en
dc.publisherTraining Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centeren
dc.subjectChumporn Provinceen
dc.subjectLBCRM Projecten
dc.subjectFisheries communityen
dc.subjectFishing gearen
dc.subjectFishing groundsen
dc.subjectbaseline surveyen
dc.subjectfisheries sectoren
dc.titlePre-survey of the Community to Formulate Implementation Plans and Activities of the LBCRM Project:Project Site in Pathew District, Chumporn Provinceen

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