Quarterly Report No.7 Apr-Jun 2003 of Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD)
This is a quarterly report of the activities implementation of the LBCFM-PD (Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province) during the period from April to June 2003.
In this period, 5 leading fishers and women in the target groups and 4 officials dealing with community development in the project area inspected the situation of coastal resources management and community development in Malaysia and exchanged views with their counterparts.
The project staff of SEAFDEC/TD and Chumporn Marine Fisheries Research Development Center frequently held a short meeting to arrange the map of aquaculture zone demarcation was drawn and presented to fishers and stakeholders for examination and agreement.
Suggested Citation
Etoh, S. (2003). Quarterly Report No.7 Apr-Jun 2003 of Locally Based Coastal Fisheries Management in Pathew District, Chumporn Province (LBCRM-PD). Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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