Status and problems of marine fish seed production in Thailand
Aquaculture of marine fishes such as sea bass, milkfish, and mullet among others, have been conducted in Thailand for a long time in its provinces along the coast. The fry of these fishes have been collected from natural waters and cultured for the consumption of the family. The traditional method was used in rearing these fishes - flowing seawater into earthen ponds using the bamboo stake trap as the water gate, and culturing trapped fry. Feed was usually the juveniles of other species that come with the water. Needless to say, production was very low.
Rearing marine fish in commercial scale is fairly recent, only in the last 30 years. Seed collection, transport, nursery, grow-out culture, and rearing techniques have been experimented by the Department of Fisheries since 1954 at its Prachuab Fisheries Station. The results were then disseminated to fish farmers. The species which are popularly cultured include sea bass (Lates calcarifer), red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus), and grouper (Epinephelus tauvina ).
Suggested Citation
Pimoljinda, J. (1993). Status and problems of marine fish seed production in Thailand. In C. T. Villegas, M. T. Castaños, & R. B. Lacierda (Eds.), Proceedings of the Aquaculture Workshop for SEAFDEC/AQD Training Alumni, 8-11 September 1992, Iloilo, Philippines (pp. 27-31). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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