Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Institutional Repository (SIR) is an official institutional repository, containing publications and materials produced by SEAFDEC Secretariat and Departments.
ຊຸມຊົນ repository ນີ້
01 SEAFDEC Publications [3874]
Secretariat and all Departments-
Regional Guidelines [17]
ADSEA '87 [20]
ADSEA '91 [21]
ADSEA '94 [21]
ADSEA '99 [21]
Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia (SARSEA) [31]
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia 25–27 June 2019, Iloilo City, Philippines -
Use of Chemicals in Aquaculture in Asia [19]
Proceedings of the Meeting on the Use of Chemicals in Aquaculture in Asia 20-22 May 1996, Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
Manuals [4]
Fish Passage [0]
Stock Assessment [46]
Secretariat [2]
Secretariat [1]
Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia (SARSEA) [31]
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia 25–27 June 2019, Iloilo City, Philippines
Secretariat [9]
Secretariat [1]
Anguilid Eels [1]
Cetaceans [0]
Fish Larvae [0]
Secretariat [1]
Marine Turtles [42]
Phytoplankton [14]
Sharks and Rays [19]
Sharks and Rays [6]
Surimi Resources [0]
Tunas [15]
Secretariat [3]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [26]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2017 [33]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 [57]
09 Books [19]
AQD Handbooks [6]
MFRD Books [1]
TD Handbooks [4]
Handbooks [0]
Annual Reports [80]
Biennial Reports [3]
Press Releases [0]
Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture [18]
Proceedings of the Second International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, 4-8 October 1983, Iloilo City, Philippines -
International Seminar-Workshop on Mud Crab Aquaculture and Fisheries Management (ISMAF 2013) [15]
Proceedings of the International Seminar-Workshop on Mud Crab Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 10 - 12 April 2013 -
Prawn Industry Development in the Philippines [11]
Proceedings of the National Prawn Industry Development Workshop, 10-13 April 1984, Iloilo City, Philippines -
Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia (SARSEA) [31]
Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture, Aquatic Animal Health, and Resource Enhancement in Southeast Asia 25–27 June 2019, Iloilo City, Philippines -
Transboundary Fish Diseases in Southeast Asia: Occurence, Surveillance, Research and Training [20]
Proceedings of the Meeting on Current Status of Transboundary Fish Diseases in Southeast Asia: Occurence, Surveillance, Research and Training, Manila, Philippines, 23-24 June 2004 -
Understanding Current Challenges and Future Prospects in Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) Research [12]
Proceedings of the JIRCAS-SEAFDEC/AQD Joint Workshop on IMTA Research held at SEAFDEC/AQD, Tigbauan Main Station, Iloilo, Philippines on 6-8 August 2019
Secretariat [130]
Proceedings of the FAO/SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Fishery Statistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August 1997 [33]
Volume II: Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Systems and Programs
12 Journals/ Magazines [1107]
Aqua Farm News [286]
Fish for the People [491]
13 Newsletters [291]
AQD Matters [154]
SEAFDEC Newsletter [137]
SEAFDEC Brochure [1]
SEAFDEC Brochure [1]
16 Comic Books [0]
17 Posters [116]
SEAFDEC/TD Posters [114]
Promotion Posters [20]
Technical Posters [94]
Extension Manuals [116]
SAFIS Extension Manuals [27]
Southeast Asian Fisheries Information Service
Technology Series [12]
Books and Book Chapters [126]
Conference Proceedings [303]
AQD Conference Proceedings [298]
These papers were contributed by AQD staff to various national and international Conferences -
Secretariat [2]
These papers were contributed by Secretariat staff to various national and international Conferences
Journal Articles [1292]
AQD Journal Articles [1247]
These papers were contributed by AQD staff to various national and international journals -
IFRDMD Journal Articles [10]
These papers were contributed by IFRDMD staff to various national and international journals -
MFRD Journal Articles [7]
These papers were contributed by MFRD staff to various national and international journals -
MFRDMD Journal Articles [11]
These papers were contributed by MFRDMD staff to various national and international journals -
Secretariat Journal Articles [6]
These papers were contributed by Secretariat staff to various national and international journals -
TD Journal Articles [11]
These papers were contributed by TD staff to various national and international journals
Magazine Articles [20]
AQD Magazine Articles [20]
These papers were contributed by SEAFDEC/AQD staff to various national and international magazines
Tunas [3]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012 [26]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2017 [33]
The Southeast Asian State of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 [57]
12 Journals/Magazines [492]
Fish for the People [492]
13 Newsletters [135]
SEAFDEC Newsletter [135]
SAFIS Extension Manuals [27]
Southeast Asian Fisheries Information Service
SEAFDEC Calendar [1]
Conference Proceedings [3]
These papers were contributed by Secretariat staff to various national and international Conferences -
Secretariat Journal Articles published externally [6]
These papers were contributed by Secretariat staff to various national and international journals
MFRD Journal Articles [7]
These papers were contributed by MFRD staff to various national and international journals
Recently Added
Investigating stocking density, culture duration, and the combination ratio of artificial feed and fresh feed for mangrove crab Scylla serrata megalopae reared in pond-based net cages
Caballero, Pedrita; Alava, Veronica R.; Regatalio, Kyle Dymer; Dayrit, Rheniel; Faisan, Jr.; Mamauag, Roger Edward; Maceren-Pates, Mercedes; Pates, Gaudioso S., Jr. (Springer, 2025-04)To address the crablet supply shortage for grow-out ponds, two experiments were conducted. The first aimed to identify the optimal combination of stocking density (SD) and culture duration (CD), while the second utilized ... -
Report of the Twenty–seventh Meeting of the Fisheries Consultative Group of the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Strategic Partnership (FCG/ASSP)
SEAFDEC, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2025-03) -
AQD Matters 2025 January - February
Armada, Nyra G. (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2025-03) -
Grow-out culture of the abalone Haliotis asinina in Guimaras, Philippines: Comparison of tubes and drums as culture containers and the effects of serpulid infestation
Lebata-Ramos, Ma. Junemie Hazel; Solis, Ellen Flor (Springer, 2025-02-06)This study compared tubes and drums as containers for the grow-out culture of abalone Haliotis asinina using mixed seaweeds and formulated diet as feed. The recycled drums were newly tested containers for abalone ... -
Mangrove crab culture
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2025-02)This brochure provides a comprehensive guide on the culture and farming of mangrove crabs (Scylla spp.), highlighting key aspects of hatchery, nursery, and grow-out operations. It covers species identification, ...