Project Final Report SEAFDEC-Sida Collaborative Project on “Human Resource Development on the Support of Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Management for the ASEAN Region”
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SEAFDEC has since August 2003 been implementing a project on “Human Resource Development on the Support of Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Management for the ASEAN Region” under Swedish development cooperation through an Agreement between SEAFDEC and the Swedish Board of Fisheries (SBF). Project activities were to be carried out until 31 December 2006 within a total budget of SEK 5,700,000, including cost for staff, consultations, pilot process, etc. The challenge, thus for the project management is to maintain a regional dialogue and promote regional cooperation while at the same time “organize on-site training in selected venues in the ASEAN Member Countries” within the available amount of funding. Reports on the stages in the implementation process have been done regularly. In 2005 reporting was systematically focusing on achievements with reference to the four stated outputs of the project and how these achievements refer to HRD for fisheries management, and on issues related to fishing capacity, respectively.