SEAFDEC-Sida collaborative project 2009 annual progress report and activities planned for 2010
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The SEAFDEC-Sida Collaborative Project entitled “Activities related to climate change and adaptation in Southeast Asia with special focus on the Andaman Sea, 2009-2011” was started from 1 January 2009 with an indicated activity period up until the end of 2011. The agreement of this project was signed between SEAFDEC and Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). The status and achievement of project implementation is reviewed annually, and the first SEAFDEC-Sida Annual Review Meeting was held on 1 February 2010 at SEAFDEC/Secretariat office, Bangkok to review the progress of the project implementation and gave directives for future implementation. A mid-term report will be prepared in October 2010 prior the SEAFDEC Program Committee and SEAFDEC’s cycle of annual meetings. This report provides a result oriented summary of activities implementing by the project from 1 January-31 December 2009 with indications on achievements by the SEAFDECSida Project during 2009. Emphasis has been made to provide a narrative overview of achievements during 2009, the first year of implementation. Information included and documents attached provide information on detailed activity results for 2009, planned activities and schedule for 2010 together with an indicative budget for 2010.