Report of the special training/workshop on stock assessments of longtail tuna and kawakawa in the Southeast Asian region
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SEAFDEC/MFRDMD in collaboration with SEAFDEC/Secretariat has convened “the Special Training/Workshop on Stock Assessments of Longtail tuna and Kawakawa in the Southeast Asian Region” on 17-25 April 2016 at SEAFDEC/MFRDMD in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Objectives of the Special Training/Workshop are 1. To transfer specific knowledge to scientist who have experienced on Basic Stock Assessment and IT skills including specific software such as CPUE standardization and stock assessment analysis using ASPIC, Kobe plot (stock status trajectory) decision making tool for management and other relevant program and 2. To train the participant as a trainer who would have his/her responsibility on conducting training for CPUE standardization and stock assessment analysis of neritic tunas at national level upon completion of the training.