Report of the Third sub-regional consultative workshop of the Northern Andaman Sea/Myeik Archipelago

ຄົ້ນຫາ / ເປີດ
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Completed Report Northern Andaman Sea Meeting 16-17 Nov. 2017_4 May 2018_rs.pdf (4.119Mb)
Completed Report Northern Andaman Sea Meeting 16-17 Nov. 2017_4 May 2018_rs.pdf (4.119Mb)
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Report of the 3rd Sub-regional Consultative Workshop of the Northern Andaman Sea/Myeik Archipelago, in Bangkok, Thailand, 16-17 November 2017 was prepared by the Secretariat of Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC). The document is distributed to participants of the Workshop, SEAFDEC Member Countries, SEAFDEC Departments and concerned institutions. The workshop taking into account on the present challenges that still exist in the Northern and Southern Andaman Sea such as depletion of fisheries resources, destruction of marine habitats caused by human activities, uncontrolled and destructive fishing, and changes of seasonal monsoon pattern where during the past years, the SEAFDEC-Sweden project and several project had been progress so far focused on the integration of fisheries and habitat management and the management of fishing capacity.