An integrated semi-intensive shrimp and livestock system in the Philippines.
The development of shrimp (Penaeus monodon) production system integrated with livestock was undertaken at the Sycip Plantation Inc., Negros Orienta, Philippines, as a result of crop diversificstion efforts in the province. Heavy organic manuring of brackishwater shrimp ponds strongly simulated the production of lablab in the initial stages of pond preparation. Obsevations suggest that the problem of detriorating water quality in the last stage of culture due to prawn burrowing/feeding activities, was exacerbated by constant addition of anures. Plankton analysis of pond water indicated that this was a result of excessive nanno- and picoplankton blooms. A highly sinificant correlation (P < .001) between plankton (cell size < 5 microns) count and BOD was obtained. An alternative system using "kitchen ponds" stocked with artemia provided a suitable source of food for shrimp growth. Daily additionalof manure (100 kg dry weight/ha/day) produce an average 40 kg of ixed artemia and lablab protein each day during a three-month study period. Analysis of input:output ratios for the kitchen pond showed a net loss in organic matter and net gain in nitrogen yields during the conditioning period. Conditioned ponds had a net gain in both organic matter and nitrogen yields. An ares ratio of 1:5 for kitchen pond shrimp grow-out enable production at 700-1,000 kg/ha/crop at 30,000 pieces/ha stoking density, survival and grow-out period of 120 days. Significant reductions in feeding cost were obtained.
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