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dc.contributor.authorConiza, Eliseo B.
dc.contributor.authorCatacutan, Mae R.
dc.contributor.authorTan-Fermin, Josefa D.
dc.identifier.citationConiza, E. B., Catacutan, M. R., & Tan-Fermin, J. D. (2003). Growth and yield of Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther) fed different grow-out diets. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 55(1), 53-60.en
dc.description.abstractJuveniles of the Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (3.6±0.17 g; 78.0±0.09 mm) were fed one of four diets: a laboratory-formulated diet of 18.9% (Diet 1) or 34.2% (Diet 2) protein, a com- mercial feed pellet of 28.9% protein (Diet 3) or a diet of 80% blanched chicken entrails and 20% rice bran (31.7% protein; Diet 4). After 120 days of culture, catfish fed Diet 2 grew significantly better (p<0.05) than the other groups, reaching 108.9 g and 232.8 mm (daily weight gain 0.88 g; specific growth rate 2.9%), with a condition factor of 0.86 and production of 18.2 kg per 25 m2 pen. Feed conversion with Diets 2 and 3 (2.5 and 2.3, respectively) was better than with Diets 1 and 4 (3.4 and 5.0). Survival (68-81%) did not differ significantly among treatments (p>0.05). Catfish fed Diet 2 had the highest apparent lipid retention (131.7%). The protein efficiency ratio was lowest (1.3) in Diet 2, but did not differ significantly from Diets 1 and 3. Catfish fed Diet 4 were fatty and had a lower crude protein content. Results suggest that C. macrocephalus fed 34.2% crude protein have a significantly higher weight and total yield. Further, a taste test showed that odor, flavor and appearance did not differ amongst the diets.en
dc.publisherThe Society of Israeli Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology (SIAMB)en
dc.subjectfreshwater catfishen
dc.subjectClarias macrocephalusen
dc.titleGrowth and yield of Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther) fed different grow-out dietsen
dc.citation.journalTitleThe Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgehen
dc.subject.asfafeed compositionen
dc.subject.asfafeeding experimentsen
dc.subject.asfafeed conversion efficiencyen
dc.subject.asfagrowth rateen
dc.subject.asfaorganoleptic propertiesen
dc.subject.asfataste testsen

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