Characteristics of water in the South China Sea, Area III: Western Philippines
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The characteristics of water in the South China Sea from latitude 11° N to 20°N and longitude 117°E to 121°E during 18 April to 8 May 1998 have been studied using Integrated CTD instruments onboard MV. SEAFDEC. It was found that there are six watermasses in the study area and there is upwelling off coast of northern Luzon Island at from the surface down to 200-meters. The water properties are influenced both by northeast and southwest monsoon winds as the duration of survey are during the transitional period, also by outflow from shore. The strong thermocline, halocline and pycnocline are present all over the area.
Suggested Citation
Rojana-anawat, P., Sukramongkol, N., & Pradit, S. (2000). Characteristics of water in the South China Sea, Area III: Western Philippines. In Proceedings of the Third Technical Seminar on Marine Fishery Resources Survey in the South China Sea, Area III: Western Philippines, 13-15 July 1999 (pp. 291-307). Bangkok, Thailand: Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.