Dramatic change in shrimp culture in Thailand
Details are given of a marine fishery census conducted in Thailand in 1995 in order to: 1) collect data on the basic economic structure of marine capture fishery, coastal aquaculture and socio-economic characteristics of fishery households, fishery employee's households, fishermen and aquaculture workers; and, 2) provide data as a sampling frame of other related surveys. The census dealt mainly with marine capture fishery and coastal shrimp culture; the findings of the coastal shrimp culture sector are described in particular.
Siriratrakul, R. (1997). Dramatic change in shrimp culture in Thailand. In Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics in Asia: Proceedings of the FAO/SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Fishery Statistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August 1997: Vol. II. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Systems and Programs (pp. 282-294). Bangkok, Thailand: Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.