Pocket Field Guide: Rays in Southeast Asian Region
This Pocket Field Guide: Sharks and Rays in Southeast Asian Region was prepared through a series of activities at national/ regional levels aimed at supporting SEAFDEC Member Countries in the implementation of CITES provisions with regard to sharks/ rays, under the collaborative program between SEAFDEC and its Member Countries with funding support from CITES Secretariat. The information used in this Field Guide have been sourced from the outputs of the abovementioned activities. This field guide is a book designed to help the readers (e.g. fisheries officers, fisheries researchers, fisheries lecturers/student, etc.) to identify sharks and rays that are commonly found in the Southeast Asian region.
marine fish ; vulnerable species ; rare species ; threatened species ; Rays (fish); Aetobatus ocellatus; Hemitrygon akajei; Telatrygon zugei; Gymnura japonica; Gymnura poecilura; Maculabatis gerrardi; Brevitrygon imbricata; Pateobatis jenkinsii; Himantura leoparda; Maculabatis pastinacoides; Pateobatis uarnacoides; Himantura uarnak; Humantura undulata; Brevitrygon heterura; Mobula mobular; Mobula kuhlii; Mobula tarapacana; Mobula thurstoni; Neotrygon orientalis; Rhinobatos schlegelii; Rhinobatos penggali; Rhinoptera javanica; Rhinoptera jayakari; Rhynchobatus australiae; Taeniura lymma
Endangered fish species and seed release strategies in Vietnam
Chien, Thai Ngoc; Khanh, Nguyen Huu; Truong, Nguyen Xuan (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2006)World economic growth has led to considerable changes in the ecosystem in many places and has raised concerns on global resource management particularly aquatic animal resources and their living environment. In Vietnam, ... -
Status of threatened species and stock enhancement activities in the Philippine fisheries
Lopez, Nelson A. (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2006)The paper provides the lists of fisheries related species perceived to be extinct, rare, threatened and endangered as covered under the CITES, IUCN and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)-Fisheries ... -
Effect of a non-native freshwater goby invasion on spawning habitat use of two native freshwater gobies
Ito, Sayaka; Tamura, Yoshinobu; Sato, Akira; Onishi, Hidejiro; Shibuya, Masaki; Uchida, Yuki; Inoue, Mikio; Omori, Koji (Springer, 2021-10)We tracked the spawning habitat use of two native stream gobies (Rhinogobius fluviatilis and Rhinogobius nagoyae) before and during the invasion of a non-native goby (Rhinogobius sp. OR) and after its disappearance in the ...