Communicating science information to the fishing community in the Philippines

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2022-11-10Page views
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The world is currently experiencing an age of information overload, as information about anything and almost everything is easily obtainable. However, essential information that could help a community strive and survive is often left unread in scientific papers and grey literature, thus unable to reach its intended audience. Fishers, specifically in developing countries such as the Philippines, are still known to be information-poor despite the rich scientific knowledge produced by concerned agencies. This chapter describes and analyses the information needs and seeking behaviour among fishers in the coastal communities in Iloilo, Philippines. Taking the initiative and time to profile how specific groups consume information can help narrow the information gap and aid concerned agencies to create and conceptualise successful, sustainable, and effective information, education, and communication campaigns.
Suggested Citation
de la Cruz-Aranas, J. M. V., Cabrias Alingasa, R. D., & Superio, D. L. (2022). Communicating science information to the fishing community in the Philippines. In M. S. Mohamad Saleh, N. A. A Rahman, & S. A. Adi Kasuma, Sustainability Communication Across Asia (1st ed., pp. 200–222). Routledge.
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