Report of the sub-regional consultative workshop of the Nothern Andaman Sea
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The Sub-regional Consultative Workshop of the Northern Andaman Sea (Mergui Archipelago) was co-organized by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), with financial support by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) through SEAFDEC-Sida Project, the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME) Project, and the Asian Coastal Resources Institute Foundation (CORIN-Asia) on 13-14 March 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand. The objectives of the Workshop were to review and follow up on issues and recommendations that were identified during the previous workshops, and on-site events/trainings, to develop a platform for agreements between Myanmar and Thailand on joint approaches to the management of habitat and fisheries, to improve the dialogue among key institutions involved; and to provide an opportunity for a group of “legal advisors” to get feedback on the scope, purpose and context of existing and planned legal and regulatory framework as basis for agreements.