Distribution, Abundance and Composition of Zooplankton in the South China Sea, Area I: Gulf of Thailand and East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia
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The sample of 81 stations in the Gulf of Thailand and the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia were collected by M.V.SEAFDEC on 4 September - 4 October 1995 for the pre northeast monsoon period and on 23 April - 23 May 1996 for the post-northeast monsoon period. 34 groups of zooplankton were found in this study. Copepod was the most abundant in both period followed by Chaetognatha in pre-monsoon and Ostracod in post-monsoon. Biomass and abundance vary from 0.069 - 20.172 ml/m3 and 36 - 3,413 no/m3 in pre-monsoon and 0.18 - 2.589 ml/m3 and 91-1,514 no/m3 in postmonsoon respectively. There was significant difference for abundance between pre and post-monsoon period (at 95 % level). But there was no significant difference between biomass for both period.
Suggested Citation
Jivaluk, J. (1999). Distribution, abundance and composition of zooplankton in the South China Sea, Area I: Gulf of Thailand and east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. In Proceedings of the First Technical Seminar on Marine Fishery Resources Survey in the South China Sea, Area I: Gulf of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia, 24-26 November 1997, Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 256-284). Samutprakan, Thailand: Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.