Summary of workshop recommendations
A special workshop among participants was conducted to assess the status of the aquaculture industry in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Although hatchery, nursery, and grow-out culture techniques had already been developed for most of the economically important species cultured in Southeast Asia, the outcome of the workshop showed that there are still major constraints to be able to increase production. Further studies have to be conducted to have greater control of factors that lead to better production. The participants prioritized the economically important species and the research area for each species for the Region.
Suggested Citation
Summary of workshop recommendations. (1988). In J. V. Juario & L. V. Benitez (Eds.), Perspectives in Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia and Japan: Contributions of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department. Proceedings of the Seminar on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, 8-12 September 1987, Iloilo City, Philippines. (pp. 303-307). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC, Aquaculture Department.
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