SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture Volume 14(2) June 1992
In this issue: 1) Flores inducted as new AQD Chief; 2) Research Update: Apparent digestibility of diets with various carbohydrate levels and the growth response of Penaeus monodon; 3) Zooplankton (Brachionus plicatilis and Moina macrocopa) as food for milkfish fry; 4) Announcement from the SEAFDEC Secretariat in Bangkok, Thailand: SEAFDEC to turn 25; 5) SEAFDEC/AQD News: Coloso is new Research Division Head; New chief inaugurates seawater supply system; Statistics Training Course conducted; Shrimp Hatchery Training Course ends; 6) Interview: Dr. Efren Ed. C. Flores; 7) Seen & Noted: Institute of Human Rights focuses on marginal fishermen; 8) Meetings & Conferences: Second Mollusc Culture Network Meeting and Workshop on Participatory Research Methods for Coastal Resource Development