Pagpapalaki ng tilapya
The manual discusses tilapia culture methods in concrete tanks, netcages, and fishponds. It details the species of tilapia cultured in the Philippines, which include Oreochromis nilotucus, O. mossambicus, O. aureus. It covers the following: site selection; construction of netcages and its modules; fishpond construction and pond preparation; criteria for fry selection; stocking; netcage and pond management including water quality management; and harvest.
The manual also lists the agencies involved in tilapia research and development in the Philippines; defines some technical terms in a glossary, and lists some useful references.
Text in Filipino.
Suggested Citation
Eguia, R. V., Eguia, M. R. R., & Basiao, Z. U. (1996). Pagpapalaki ng tilapya. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.
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