Browsing Journal Articles, Conference Papers and Book Chapters by SEAFDEC Staff by Subject "Abalones"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Abalone culture: an emerging aquaculture technology
(University of the Philippines Aquaculture Society, 2001) -
The effect of stocking density, temperature and light on the early larval survival of the abalone Haliotis asinina Linné
(Phuket Marine Biological Center, 2001)Newly hatched trocophore larvae of the abalone haliotis asinina linne were stocked at densities of 1000, 3000 and 5000 larvae/1 at low (20-25oC) and high (ambien, 28-30oC) water temperature levels in ... -
Photoperiod effects on feeding, food conversion, growth, and survival of abalone (Haliotis asinina Linne) during nursery rearing
(Phuket Marine Biological Center, 2001)Juveniles of Haliotis asinina, 10 mm shell length were subjected to four photoperiodic regimes namely, 6L:18D, OL:24D, diffused 12:12D, and ambient light (12L:12D) serving as control. Juveniles were fed fresh seaweed, ... -
Postlarvae density and photoperiod effects on the settlement and metamorphosis of the donkey's ear abalone, Haliotis asinina Linne, 1758
(Phuket Marine Biological Center, 2000)The effects of photoperiod and density of postlarvae on settlement and metamorphosis of the native abalone, Haliotis asinina were determined in two separate experiments. Abalone larvae were hatched from spontaneously ... -
Seaweed Gracilariopsis heteroclada, formulated flaked diet, and a combination of both as feed for the abalone Haliotis asinina: Effect on growth and survival
(Springer, 2023-01-27)This paper compares the effect of feeding the abalone Haliotis asinina with seaweed (SW), formulated (FD), and mixed (SW+FD) diets. The feeding experiment, in six replicates, was conducted in a tank facility and ... -
Spontaneous spawning, fecundity and spawning periodicity in the donkey's ear abalone Haliotis asinina Linnaeus 1758
(Phuket Marine Biological Center; Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 21(1), 2000)Spontaneous group spawning was monitored in wild-caught (WC) and hatchery-bred (HB) abalone broodstock (Haliotis asinina) held in duplicate tanks at 1:3 (male: female) ratio from June 1997 to January 1999. Abalone ...