Advances in Milkfish Biology and Culture
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Advances in milkfish biology and culture: proceedings of the Second International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference, 4-8 October 1983, Iloilo City, Philippines
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Abstracts of the 17 papers presented at the conference are cited individually in this issue. -
Acid sulfate soils and their management for brackishwater fishponds
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)The major problems of fishponds build on acid sulfate soils are low pH; ionic imbalance and toxic levels of aluminum, iron, and sulfate; deficiency of phosphorus and poor response to fertilizer application; slow and poor ... -
Milkfish culture techniques generated and developed by the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)This paper reviews the work on milkfish (Chanos chanos ) culture techniques conducted from 1973 to 1983 by the Brackishwater Aquaculture Center, the aquaculture research arm of the College of Fisheries, University of the ... -
The ecological aspects of milkfish fry occurrence, particularly in the Philippines
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Aspects of the time, place, and mechanism of occurrence of milkfish (Chanos chanos ) fry, defined as the postlarvae 10-17 mm in total length and 3 weeks of age are considered. Fry occurrence shows seasonal patterns that ... -
Collection, storage, transport, and acclimation of milkfish fry and fingerlings
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)The present methods of collecting fry and fingerlings involve filtration by mobile or stationary devices. The bottom topography of the fry ground, wind direction, and tidal fluctuations are the most important considerations ... -
Milkfish nursery pond and pen culture in the Indo-Pacific region
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)In culturing milkfish (Chanos chanos ) to marketable size, the fry (total length = 12-15 mm) are usually reared first in nursery ponds or pens (hapa nets) until they become fingerlings (total length = 2 cm or more). The ... -
The sense organs and behaviors of milkfish fry in relation to collection techniques
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)This paper describes the sense organs and some of the behavioral characteristics of milkfish (Chanos chanos ) fry, based on studies conducted at the Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC, Philippines and at Kagoshima University, ... -
Economic and technological aspects of the Indonesian milkfish industry
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)A broad overview is presented of the economic and technological aspects of Indonesian milkfish (Chanos chanos ) aquaculture covering information on the economic importance of milkfish, fry capture and distribution, milkfish ... -
The milkfish industry in the Philippines
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Milkfish (Chanos chanos ) is the most commercially important fish species in the Philippines. Milkfish production from the marine fisheries and aquaculture sectors has increased at an average rate of 22%. In 1981, production ... -
Gonadal development and induced breeding of captive milkfish in Taiwan
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)The induced breeding of milkfish (Chanos chanos ) has been attempted by many institutes in the Philippines, Taiwan, Tahiti, Indonesia, and Hawaii. So far, a few successful trials have been achieved only in the Philippines ... -
The milkfish industry in Taiwan
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)This paper attempts to explain empirically the entire milkfish (Chanos chanos ) industry in Taiwan, convering 1) the gathering and marketing of milkfish fry - the procurement subsystem; 2) the production of milkfish ... -
Artificial propagation of milkfish: Present status and problems
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Milkfish (Chanos chanos ) has been extensively cultured in Indonesia, Taiwan, and the Philippines. At present, the only source of fry for fish farmers is the coastal waters during the spawning season. The supply of fry is ... -
Milkfish research in the Philippines
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Development and directions in milkfish (Chanos chanos ) research in the Philippines from 1976 to the present are reviewed and analyzed. The problems of milkfish culture are dichotomous: low productivity vis-a-vis seasons ... -
Milkfish aquaculture in Sri Lanka
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Milkfish (Chanos chanos ) fry and fingerlings are abundant in coastal and brackishwater areas in Sri Lanka, yet the industry remains in a stage of underdevelopment. The main seed collection centers are Mannar and Kalpitiya ... -
Diseases of milkfish
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Although the history of Chanos chanos culture has been quite long, reports of major epizootics have been few. Trained manpower and disease diagnostic services in most milkfish growing areas have not been readily available. ... -
Milkfish nutrition
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)This paper reviews major contributions in the field of milkfish (Chanos chanos ) nutrition since the First International Milkfish Aquaculture Conference in 1976. Substantial progress has been made toward understanding the ... -
Pests/parasites and diseases of milkfish in the Philippines
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)This paper presents all known parasites of milkfish (Chanos chanos ) in the Philippines. The major parasitic groups include acanthocephalans, copepods, isopods, and heterophyid flukes. The number of parasitic species found ... -
Southeast Asian milkfish culture: Economic status and prospects
(Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center; International Development Research Centre; Island Publishing House, Inc., 1984)Historically, milkfish (Chanos chanos Forsskal) has been the premier aquaculture product in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Taiwan. However, there are significant differences in the industry's performance among and within ...