Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Fishery Post-Harvest Technology in Southeast Asia: Singapore, 6-11 May, 1991
As a sequel to the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center s (SEAFDEC) 20th Anniversary Seminar on Development of Fish Products in Southeast Asia in 1987, the Marine Fisheries Research Department of SEAFDEC organised a second Seminar to update information on the status of the fish processing industry in the region with particular attention to developments that had occurred since the first Seminar in 1987. A workshop to discuss the SEAFDEC s 1990 compilation of fish products in Southeast Asia was also held in conjunction with the Seminar.
The meeting was attended by researchers from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Norway, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, and by participants from the Canadian International Development Agency and SEAFDEC.
This volume reviews the advances made in the field of fishery post-harvest technology and presents edited papers, discussions and recommendations that emerged from the meeting.
Suggested Citation
Hooi, K. K., Miwa, K., & Salim, M. B. (Eds.). (1991). Proceedings of the Seminar on Advances in Fishery Post-Harvest Technology in Southeast Asia: Singapore, 6-11 May, 1991. Singapore: Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.