Regional HACCP and training requirements to the year 2000
Basic HACCP requirements for the region, and the role of the Project and the ASEAN Network are outlined. Training materials developed by the Project in prerequisite requirements and curriculums developed for HACCP training packages intended for Managers, non-QC Supervisors, QC-Supervisors/Managers and Line Workers are detailed.
Limpus, L. G. (1997). Regional HACCP and training requirements to the year 2000. In K. K. Hooi, L. K. Low, & P. Y. Lim (Eds.), Proceedings of the seminar on the advances in fish processing technology in Southeast Asia in relation to quality management, Singapore, 29 October - 1 November 1996 (pp. 29-35). Singapore: Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.