Development and implementation of a national HACCP training program: The experience of Vietnam
trừu tượng
The first HACCP training course in Vietnam organized by FAO and INFOFISH took place in Ho Chi Minh City in May 1991 with the participation of the managers from both industry and government. Following the principle of training other trainers , other training courses (where all leading lecturers were Vietnamese) were organized all over the country. Under the Government Project KN 04-15 Upgrading the Quality of Frozen Fish Products" five fish processing plants from all important fishing areas were selected for the Trial HACCP Implementation Program. The trial gave us reasons to conclude that instead of immediate implementation of HACCP or ISO 9000 programs, the best way is to choose GMPs as the first step to lead into the implementation of HACCP in Vietnam. This paper lists the main reasons, presents the working steps and the experiences gained from various plants GMP implementation. Attention is paid to the role that NAFIQACEN (National Fishery Inspection & Quality Assurance Center) played in the implementation of the HACCP-Based Quality Management Program in Vietnam. The present obstacles are pointed out and activities planned to achieve the strategic objectives of the fisheries sector in the coming period are described.
Suggested Citation
Hung, L. D. (1997). Development and implementation of a national HACCP training program: The experience of Vietnam. In K. K. Hooi, L. K. Low, & P. Y. Lim (Eds.), Proceedings of the seminar on the advances in fish processing technology in Southeast Asia in relation to quality management, Singapore, 29 October - 1 November 1996 (pp. 234-241). Singapore: Marine Fisheries Research Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.