Aquaculture in Indonesia
Indonesia has a long tradition in aquaculture, particularly in fresh water and brackish water. Most aquaculture is still in extensive systems with low productivity. Mariculture only started in the 1980s and contributes yet little to the total national production. Aquaculture has become increasingly important, particularly in supporting rural economies. The development of shrimp and prawn culture became a Government priority after trawl fishing was banned in 1980-81. With its strategic geographic position and enormous inland and coastal resources, Indonesia has good prospects in aquaculture.
Yusuf, D. (1995). Aquaculture in Indonesia. In T. U. Bagarinao & E. E. C. Flores (Eds.), Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Southeast Asia and Japan: Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia, Iloilo City, Philippines, 26-28 July, 1994 (pp. 109-115). Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines: Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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Aquaculture in Malaysia
Kechik, Ismail bin Awang. (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1995)Aquaculture in Malaysia is experiencing rapid growth. Total production in 1992 amounted to 79,699 tons valued at RM 207.4 million. These figures are 23% and 25% higher than the previous year's. Semi-culture of the cockle ... -
Aquaculture development in Thailand
Sirikul, Boonsong; Luanprida, Somsak; Chaiyakam, Kanit; Sriprasert, Revadee (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1988)Aquaculture practised in Thailand is in the form of pond culture and cage culture in freshwater, brackishwater and coastal areas. The main species cultured include freshwater prawns, brackishwater shrimp, cockles, mussels, ... -
Aquaculture in the Philippines
Aypa, Simeona M. (Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1995)Aquaculture is regarded as the most promising source of protein food in the years ahead. Milkfish and Nile tilapia are the major fishes now produced but groupers, sea bass, rabbitfish, red snappers, carps, and catfishes ...