Changes in the Stock Density of Invertebrates in the Gulf of Thailand 1972-1981
The present paper is the result of an analysis of the chronological changes as well as the current situation of landings and CPUE of invertebrate resources in Thailand. Economically the most important groups of invertebrates are shrimps, Squids and cuttlefishes, which are caught not only for local consumption, but also for export. We have, therefore, given special attention to three groups for marine catches.
The first part of this paper contains a description of the general situation of landings of marine invertebrates in the Gulf of Thailand, based on the catch data collected by the Statistics Section of the Department of Fisheries, Thailand.
The second part is a close study of annual and monthly changes in stock density (CPUE) of economically important species of invertebrates. The main purpose of this paper is to compare the landings data and the CPUE data, so as to clarify the current status of invertebrate fisheries in the Gulf of Thailand.
The present paper is descriptive rather than analytical, however, the information given here is, we believe, indispensable for any future close study of the population dynamics of invertebrate fisheries.
Suggested Citation
Vibhasiri, A., Hayase, S., & Shindo, S. (1985). Changes in the Stock Density of Invertebrates in the Gulf of Thailand 1972-1981. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.