Fish Landing Data in October 2007-October 2008 in Prey Nop II, Sihanoukville, Cambodia-Integrated Coastal Resources Management in sihanoukville

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The Integrated Coastal Resources Management Project in Sihanoukville, Cambodia (ICRM-SV) has been implemented since November 2005 with the objective of sustaining the fisheries resources in Prey Nop II, Sihanoukville. Therefore, the need to assess the trend of the fishery resources during and after project’s operation was considered necessary. In order to establish the trend of the fishery resources in the project area, fish landing data collection was conducted starting in February 2006, three months after project had started. Henceforth, fish landing data collection had been regularly carried out and the data have been compiled and analyzed. The first landing data collected from February 2006 to November 2007 was analyzed and compiled by SEAFDEC/TD in December 2007, and published as the Fish Landing Data in 2006-2007 in Prey Nop II, Sihanoukville, Cambodia. The subsequent data compilation, which covered the period from October 2007 to October 2008, was also analyzed by SEAFDEC/TD, the result of which is shown in the following sections of this document.
Suggested Citation
Sornkliang, J., & Suasi, T. (2009). Fish Landing Data in October 2007-October 2008 in Prey Nop II, Sihanoukville, Cambodia-Integrated Coastal Resources Management in sihanoukville. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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