05 Technical Publications and Reports on Fishery Resources
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Anguilid Eels [1]
Cetaceans [0]
Fish Larvae [0]
Marine Turtles [42]
Phytoplankton [14]
Sharks and Rays [19]
Surimi Resources [0]
Tunas [15]
Recent Submissions
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)Numerous bodies of inland waters are widely spread in Southeast Asia where fisheries production is an important source of people's animal protein. The capture fisheries sector, utilizing the inland waters, provides employment ... -
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia: Remarks
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019) -
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia: Desired condition for keeping the sustainability of fish resources
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019) -
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia: Threat to inland waters environment and fisheries
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019) -
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia: Inland capture fisheries and its status
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019) -
The features of inland fisheries in Southeast Asia: Introduction
(Inland Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019) -
Stock assessment of Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinis) and Longtail Tuna (Thunnus tonggol) resources in the Southeast Asian waters
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2017-02)Secretariat in collaboration with TD organized the basic and advance Stock Assessment Training Courses in January and March 2016 under the funding support from Government of Sweden through the SEAFDEC-Sweden project. The ... -
Inland fishes of Myanmar
(Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2005-12)This handbook of some inland fishes in Myanmar was based on a rapid field survey of SEAFDEC supported team and long term observation of the authors on common species and some taxa, obtained from the aquarium trade. We ... -
Phytoplankton distribution mapping using NOAA AVHRR satellite data
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Remote sensing unit of MFRDMD
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Production and distribution of phytoplankton observed by ADEOS: Application of satellite imagery for fisheries
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Background of plankton II: Harmful algal blooms (HABs) - possible causes
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Background of plankton I: Biology of plankton
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Remote sensing technology for phytoplankton
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Status of marine remote sensing applications in Thailand
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Status of marine remote sensing applications in Vietnam
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Status of marine remote sensing applications in Malaysia
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Activity on the remote sensing of phytoplankton in Japan
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Status of marine remote sensing applications in the Philippines
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999) -
Remote sensing technology for utilizing fishery resources in Indonesia
(Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1999)