User’s Manual of the Electronic ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme (Part1-5)
The eACDS User’s Manual consists of six (6) parts described along with traceability system processes from catching to landing, purchasing, transferring of catch to processing, using raw materials in processing, issuing the certification, and exportation. Besides, some countries in the ASEAN implements transshipment at sea. The eACDS applications, therefore, include the transshipment at sea in a separate part. There are six (6) parts of the manual as follows:
Part 1: Introduction of the eACDS
Part 2: Issuance of the Catch Declaration (CD)
Part 3: Issuance of the Movement Document (MD)
Part 4: Issuance of the Statement of Catch (SC) and Catch Certification (CC)
Part 5: Transshipment at Sea
Suggested Citation
Imsamrarn N., Saraphaivanich K., Meenam S., & Siriraksophon S. (2020). User’s Manual of the Electronic ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme, Part 5: Transshipment at Sea. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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