User’s Manual of the electronic ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme, Part 6: System Administrator
This manual concerns the data management and administration of the system. Many sets of the database required proper management to run smoothly the eACDS application such as data set of fish species, fishing port, registered vessels including fishing vessels and other vessel types, fishery product codes, user’s list including fishermen, buyers, boat owners, etc. In addition, administration of the eACDS system is also needed for all relevant users accessing to the system. The access levels for each type of users needs to be arranged by the system administrator. This manual will guide the information technology officer or the system administrator to manage the eACDS database, and overall system.
Suggested Citation
Imsamrarn N., Saraphaivanich K., Meenam S., & Siriraksophon S. (2020). User’s Manual of the electronic ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme, Part 6: System Administrator. Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
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