
  • SEAFDEC Newsletter Vol.44 No.4 

    Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2022-03-24)
    During the last quarter of 2021, SEAFDEC organized annual events that were significant for the region such as the 44th Program Committee Meeting (44PCM) which discussed and reviewed the programs, projects, and activities ...
  • Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Anguillid Eels: a preliminary study 

    Fahmi, Zulkarnaen; Supriyadi, Freddy; Suryati, Ni Komang; Muthmainnah, Dina (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2022-03-24)
    Anguillid eels are widely distributed from tropical to subtropical areas. As a catadromous fish, anguillid eels spawn in the sea, migrate to freshwater as juveniles, and grow up before migrating back to the sea to spawn. ...