Experiment with Bottom Vertical Longline in the Andaman Sea
In 1982, the SEAFDEC Training Department conducted experimental bottom vertical longline fishing in the South China Sea at the Vanguard Bank and off sabah. As the results were encouraging, a second experiment with bottom vertical longline was carried out during May 1984 in the Central Gulf of Thailand as a joint research project of the Department of Fisheries of Thailand and the SEAFDEC Training Department. Another experiment was carried out in the South China Sea at the Rifleman Bank during October 1984.
Recently, some undeveloped fishing grounds have been found over a topographically rough sea-bed in the Andaman Sea. Such bottom condition pose many difficulties and less opportunities for bottom trawl fishing. Therefore, the bottom vertical longline experiments were designed to gather additional data to the experiment performed in 1987 by the Exploratory Fishing Divison, DOFT, using SEAFDEC fishing gears in the Andaman Sea.