Larval rearing of the Philippine freshwater catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther), fed live zooplankton and artificial diet: A preliminary study
A preliminary study was conducted to determine growth and survival of Clarias macrocephalus fed live zooplankton (Artemia or Moina macrocopa ) and/or a dry artificial diet. The specific growth rate over a 14-day rearing period was higher for fish fed Artemia plus a dry diet than for other treatment groups fed either live zooplankton or a dry artificial diet alone. C. macrocephalus larvae can directly take dry diet during the early days of exogenous feeding, however, continued feeding on dry artificial diet resulted in poor fish growth and survival. Mortality due to observed cannibalism in fish fed exclusively an artificial diet increased from 4% to 18% during the last two days of the rearing period. A significantly lower proportion of mortality due to cannibalism was observed in those fed an artificial diet after a 7-day period of feeding on Artemia . The survival rate was generally high, except for the fish fed a dry diet alone.
Suggested Citation
Fermin, A. C., & Bolivar, M. E. C. (1991). Larval rearing of the Philippine freshwater catfish, Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther), fed live zooplankton and artificial diet: A preliminary study. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh , 43(3), 87-94.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]