Browsing AQD Journal Articles by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1247
Pond culture of sugpo, P. monodon (Fabricius)
(BFAR, 1976)A resume is presented of the practical considerations involved in establishing a sugpo pond culture operation, as a guide to fish farmers, extension workers and others interested in producing marketable sugpo in the ... -
A simple method of tagging prawns
(University of the Philippines, 1976)The recognition of individual animals is crucial to many aspects of research. Prawns present unique difficulties in this respect since they molt regularly. Thus almost all tagging and marking methods developed for prawns ... -
Induction of maturity and spawning in Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798, by unilateral eyestalk ablation (Decapoda, Natantia)
(Brill Academic Publishers, 1976)Preliminary experiments carried out at the Aquaculture Department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre in the Philippines have achieved success in the rearing of viable F1 postlarvae of Penaeus ... -
Larvae of decapod crustacea of the Philippines - I. The zoeal stages of a swimming crab, Charybdis cruciata (Herbst) reared in the laboratory
(The Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 1976)Six zoeal stages of Charybdis cruciata (Herbst) which are reared in the laboratory, are described. The zoea has a rostral, a dorsal and a pair of laterial spines. There are a pair of lateral hooks on the 2nd and 3rd abdominal ... -
Note: larvae of decapod crustacea of the Philippines. II. Laboratory-hatched first zoea of box crab
(College of Agriculture and Central Experiment Station, University of the Philippines at Los Baños, 1976)This is the first report in the world on the characters of the first zoea of Calappa philargius under laboratory conditions. The zoea has a rostral, a dorsal and a pair of lateral spines on the carapace. The average length ... -
Effect of different stocking densities on survival and growth of sugpo (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) in a milkfish-rearing pond
(STII-DOST, 1976)Employing a direct stocking monoculture method, postlarval P. monodon were stocked in 8 compartments of a shallow milkfish rearing pond at densities of 1, 2, 3 and 4/sq m with replicates. Feeding was exclusively natural ... -
Notes on the external sex characters of Chanos chanos (Forskal) spawners
(Fisheries Research Society of the Philippines, 1976)In the present study, no visible differences between the sexes of C. chanos with reference to external features such as colouration, shape of head, snout and operculum, presence of tubercles or nasal pores, length, size ... -
The larval stages of benizuwai-gani, Chinoecetes japonicus Rathbun reared in the laboratory
(The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, 1976)This study deals with the larval stages of C. japonicus, and with the comparison with those of Zuwaigani, C. opilio. There are 2 zoneae and 1 megalopa. The larval stages of C. japonicus are morphologically similar to those ... -
Survival rates of different Penaeus monodon Fabricius postlarval stages
(National Science Development Board, 1976)Four different postlarval stages (P11, P15 , P21, and P25) of P. monodon were stocked in suspension nets at the rate of 200 fry/sq m with 3 nets for each postlarval stage. Pond ... -
Variation in the vertebral number of the milkfish Chanos chanos, collected from various localities
(The Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, 1977)A total of 2497 milkfish fry were collected in 1976 from nine localities in six countries, viz. India, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and Tahiti. Vertebra counts ranged from 40 to 45. The general trend of ... -
Decapsulation of Artemia cysts: A simple technique for the improvement of the use of brine shrimp in aquaculture
(Elsevier, 1977)Although it is a common practice in different disciplines of fundamental research on the brine shrimp, and despite the very interesting applications that it offers for the use of Artemia in aquaculture, the "decapsulation" ... -
Effects of furanace on zoeae and mysis of Penaeus monodon.
(University of the Philippines at Los Baños, 1977)The toxicity of the chemotherapeutant Furanace on Z2 and M1 of the jumbo tiger prawn Penaeus monodon was assayed for a period of 24 hr. The LD50 for Z2 was 1.6 mg per liter; for ... -
Successful spawning of cultured Penaeus monodon Fabricius after eyestalk ablation
(Elsevier, 1977)Preliminary experiments resulted in successful spawning of captive stock of the prawn Penaeus monodon, or “sugpo”, to complete the life cycle and produce a viable F1 generation of larvae. Gonadal development was induced ... -
Population biology of the Japanese little-neck clam, Tapes philippinarum, in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands
(University of Hawaii Press, 1977)The Japanese little-neck clam, Tapes philippinarum, an introduced species in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, has a thriving population only in a U5-hectare mud flat after heavy fishing triggered depletion in six other ... -
Settlement preference of the brown mussel, Modiolus metcalfei, Hanley and its implication on the aquaculture potential of the species
(Fisheries Research Society of the Philippines, 1978)A study on the settlement preference of M. metcalfei was made in Banate Bay, Iloilo, using four types of materials as spat collectors. During the six-month study period, not a single Modiolus spat was found in any of the ... -
Notes on the construction of 12 cu m ferrocement tank for prawn broodstock
(International Ferrocement Information Center, 1978)One of the important research studies at the Aquaculture Department of SEAFDEC is the maturation of Penaeus monodon females in captivity. Equal numbers of male and female prawns are stocked in tanks. Ovarian maturation is ... -
Vertical distribution of euthecosomatous pteropods in the upper 100m of the Hilutangan Channel, Cebu, The Philippines
(Springer-Verlag, 1978)The vertical distribution of euthecosomatous pteropods in the upper 100 m of the Hilutangan Channel, Cebu, The Philippines was studied, based on 126 samples, comprising 47, 282 individuals. Thirty-min horizontal plankton ... -
Induced maturation and spawning in five-month-old Penaeus monodon Fabricius by eyestalk ablation
(Elsevier, 1978)Pond-reared sugpo (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) females from coastal fry harvested after 4 months were unilaterally ablated and stocked in an indoor concrete tank with an equal number of males. The first two spawnings were ... -
A study on certain aspects on the biology and control of Caligus sp., an ectoparasite of the adult milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal)
(Fisheries Research Society of the Philippines, 1978)One unidentified species of copepod belonging to the genus Caligus was found to infest the adult milkfish broodstock kept in canvas tanks at the SEAFDEC research station in Mag-aba, Pandan, Antique, Philippines. This report ... -
Mass production in concrete tanks of sugpo Penaeus monodon Fabricius spawners by eyestalk ablation
(Fisheries Research Society of the Philippines, 1978)Two batches of 196 and 181 P. monodon females were ablated on one eyestalk in March and July 1977, respectively, and a control batch of 180 unablated females was stocked in July 1977. The females were stocked with males ...