Notes on the completion of the life cycle of Penaeus japonicus in captivity in the Philippines
Penaeus japonicus nauplii from wild spawners were reared up to the early postlarval stage (PL20) in 12-t concrete tanks. A survival rate of 13-15% was obtained. Hatchery-reared postlarvae were restocked in concrete tanks for grow-out. After six months, survival rate was 49.3% with mean body weight of 20 g and carapace length of 21-33 mm. Ablated and unablated females were stocked together with males at 1:1 sex ratio in broodstock tanks. After three months, 11% of the ablated prawns spawned whereas 1.4% of unablated females spawned after five months. Nauplii from these spawnings were reared up to the adult stage thus completing the life cycle of J. japonicus in captivity.
Suggested Citation
Quinitio, E. T., Parado-Estepa, F. D., & Coniza, E. (1991). Notes on the completion of the life cycle of Penaeus japonicus in captivity in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science , 120(2), 155-158.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]