Ovarian changes and female-specific protein levels during sexual maturation of the white shrimp Penaeus indicus
The histological changes in the ovary and female-specific protein levels in the hemolymph during sexual maturation of Penaeus indicus were determined. Ovarian maturation was classified into four stages: immature stage, consisting mainly of oogonia and primary oocytes; maturing stage, composed of oocytes with yolky substances in the cytoplasm; mature stage, oocytes with club-shaped cortical rods in the peripheral cytoplasm; and spent stage, composed of primary oocytes, oocytes with yolky substances and scattered residual rod-like bodies.
Female-specific protein levels in the hemolymph were low in the immature stage (4.45 µg/ml), increased significantly in the maturing stage (23.53 µg/ml), peaked in fully mature (48.30 mu g/ml) and decreased in spent (22.86 µg/ml) females.
Suggested Citation
Quinitio, E. T., & Millamena, O. M. (1992). Ovarian changes and female-specific protein levels during sexual maturation of the white shrimp Penaeus indicus. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh , 44(1), 7-12. http://hdl.handle.net/10862/1391
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]