Food choice by free-living stages of the tropical freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae: Decapoda)

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Food choice by Cherax quadricarinatus was measured from video recordings of the time spent feeding on decayed plant material and zooplankton. Crayfish within the size range 20–75 mm spent a significantly longer time feeding on plant material, whilst crayfish at independent stage 1 (with yolk) did not spend a significantly different time at either of the two food types. Plant material, but not zooplankton, was often picked up to be consumed near or within shelters, which is consistent with ease of handling of plant material and with shelter dependence shown by redclaw crayfish.
Suggested Citation
Loya-Javellana, G. N., Fielder, D. R., & Thorne, M. J. (1993). Food choice by free-living stages of the tropical freshwater crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus (Parastacidae: Decapoda). Aquaculture , 118(3-4), 299-308.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]