Growth and yield of Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther) fed different grow-out diets

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Juveniles of the Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (3.6±0.17 g; 78.0±0.09 mm) were fed one of four diets: a laboratory-formulated diet of 18.9% (Diet 1) or 34.2% (Diet 2) protein, a com- mercial feed pellet of 28.9% protein (Diet 3) or a diet of 80% blanched chicken entrails and 20% rice bran (31.7% protein; Diet 4). After 120 days of culture, catfish fed Diet 2 grew significantly better (p<0.05) than the other groups, reaching 108.9 g and 232.8 mm (daily weight gain 0.88 g; specific growth rate 2.9%), with a condition factor of 0.86 and production of 18.2 kg per 25 m2 pen. Feed conversion with Diets 2 and 3 (2.5 and 2.3, respectively) was better than with Diets 1 and 4 (3.4 and 5.0). Survival (68-81%) did not differ significantly among treatments (p>0.05). Catfish fed Diet 2 had the highest apparent lipid retention (131.7%). The protein efficiency ratio was lowest (1.3) in Diet 2, but did not differ significantly from Diets 1 and 3. Catfish fed Diet 4 were fatty and had a lower crude protein content. Results suggest that C. macrocephalus fed 34.2% crude protein have a significantly higher weight and total yield. Further, a taste test showed that odor, flavor and appearance did not differ amongst the diets.
Suggested Citation
Coniza, E. B., Catacutan, M. R., & Tan-Fermin, J. D. (2003). Growth and yield of Asian catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Gunther) fed different grow-out diets. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh , 55(1), 53-60.
- AQD Journal Articles [1246]
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