Dramatic change in shrimp culture in Thailand

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Details are given of a marine fishery census conducted in Thailand in 1995 in order to: 1) collect data on the basic economic structure of marine capture fishery, coastal aquaculture and socio-economic characteristics of fishery households, fishery employee's households, fishermen and aquaculture workers; and, 2) provide data as a sampling frame of other related surveys. The census dealt mainly with marine capture fishery and coastal shrimp culture; the findings of the coastal shrimp culture sector are described in particular.
Suggested Citation
Siriratrakul, R. (1997). Dramatic change in shrimp culture in Thailand. In Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics in Asia: Proceedings of the FAO/SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Fishery Statistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August 1997: Vol. II. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Systems and Programs (pp. 282-294). Bangkok, Thailand: Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.