The implementation on the use of TEDs and current research in Southeast Asia
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The paper informed that the United States embargo on shrimps caught with gears not equipped with turtle excluder devices (TEDs) was unilaterally imposed on the Southeast Asian countries in May 1996. The countries affected viewed the threat seriously and SEAFDEC TD and MFRDMD were assigned to study this problem through cooperation with Departments of Fisheries of the SEAFDEC member countries. These involved studies and demonstrations on the efficiency of shrimp trawl nets fitted with different types of TED, most notably the Thailand Turtle Free Device (TTFD), in the waters of Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.
Suggested Citation
Chokesanguan, B. (1999). The implementation on the use of TEDs and current research in Southeast Asia. In Report of the SEAFDEC-ASEAN Regional Workshop on Sea Turtle Conservation on Management (pp. 202-211). Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia: Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.