181-200 / 692

    • Smoke-curing of fish 

      Nieto, Marceliano B.; Magno-Orejana, Florian (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-07)
      This manual discusses in detail the smoking process for fish, presents improved designs of smokehouses and recommends standardized procedures for the smoke-curing of some species of fish, using appropriate technology.
    • Culture of sea bass 

      Information and Publication Unit, Fishery Conservation and Extension Division, Department of Fisheries, Thailand; Srisuwantach, Vijai (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-07)
      Sea bass or giant sea perch, known as pla kaphong, pla kaphong khao, or pla kaphong namjerd in Thailand, is one of the large brackishwater fish. The species is found mainly in estuaries and mangrove swamps adjacent to the ...
    • Induced breeding of Thai silver carp 

      Information and Publication Unit, Fishery Conservation and Extension Division, Department of Fisheries, Thailand; Srisuwantach, Vijai (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-06)
      Puntius gonionotus Bleeker, or Thai silver carp, called locally "Pla ta pian khao", is one of the Thai local food fish. It is a fast-growing freshwater fish, easy to culture and highly productive. The species feeds mainly ...
    • Selection of marine shrimp for culture 

      Information and Publication Unit, Fishery Conservation and Extension Division, Department of Fisheries, Thailand; Srisuwantach, Vijai (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-06)
      Criteria for selection of the culture species should include high economic value and high market demand, easy culture, and fast growth. The purpose of this paper is to compare the general characteristics, as well as growth ...
    • Macrobrachium culture 

      Brohmanonda, Pairoj; Sahavacharin, Songchai (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-05)
      This manual is a translation of the Thai information pamphlet entitled "Karn Liang Kung Kam Kram" published by the Information and Publication Unit, Fishery Conservation and Extension Division, Department of Fisheries, ...
    • Makanan dan pemakanan udang harimau, Penaeus monodon 

      Pascual, Felicitas P. (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-04)
      The author, Dr. F.P. Pascual, head of the Nutrition Project conducted by the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department in the Philippines, has prepared this guide for extension purposes. The popular text concerning the nutrition and ...
    • Menternak ikan airtawar: Bagaimana hendak bermula 

      FAO; Ahmad, Hafiz bin (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-05)
      The manual explains fish farming in simple language under the following headings: The pond; The water; Putting fish into your pond; Feeding your fish; Taking care of your pond; Harvesting your fish; Now you must begin ...
    • Mussel farming 

      Cheong, Leslie; Lee, Hoe Beng (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-01)
      This manual describes various aspects of mussel farming, using the raft method of culture, in Singapore. It is based on experiences gained by the Primary Production Department during its research studies and investigations ...
    • Ang pagpuna ug pagtapak sa pukot 

      Lorimer, P. D. (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1984-01)
      The English version of "Net Mending and Patching" was prepared P. D. Lorimer when he was the Technical Adviser of the Fisheries Division, Department of Primary Industry (DPI), Canberra, Australia. It was reprinted from the ...
    • Mussel culture 

      Choo, Poh Sze (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1983-06)
      The present text is a translation of the Malay text entitled, "Menternak Siput Sudu/ Kupang" by P.S. Choo, published by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia (Bahagian Perikanan, Risalah Perikanan ...
    • Oyster culture 

      Choo, Poh Sze (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1983-05)
      Oysters extend over a wide geographic range, and many species are at present farmed throughout the world. These are the flat oysters belonging to the genus Ostrea or the cupshaped oysters of the genus Crassostrea. In ...
    • SEAFDEC Newsletter Vol.42 No.1 

      Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      One of the major events during the first quarter of 2019 was the Fifty-first Meeting of SEAFDEC Council convened in Indonesia, where the progress of activities and achievements of SEAFDEC in 2018 as well as proposed program ...
    • Inland Fisheries Management in the Southeast Asian Region: Promoting Habitat Conservation in Lao PDR and Indonesia 

      Muthmainnah, Dina; Shibuno, Takuro (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      The Southeast Asian region is endowed with enormous areas of inland waters resources, such as rivers, lakes, floodplains, reservoirs, dams, and wetlands. Fisheries in inland waters have long been a vital component of food ...
    • SEAFDEC Newsletter Vol.41 No.3 

      Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2018)
      During the third quarter of 2018, SEAFDEC/AQD capped its 45th Anniversary Celebration on 13 July 2018. The Celebration included several activities such as Farmers’ Forum and Aquaculture Clinic, AQD’s Memorial Lecture, ...
    • Enhancing Coastal Communities’ Resilience through Sustainable Livelihood and Coastal Resources Management 

      Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2018)
      The Southeast Asian region is home to the largest Muslim population in the world, with Indonesia having the world’s biggest Muslim population (about 42 % of the region’s total population). Most of the Muslim communities ...
    • Strengthening sub-regional cooperation to enhance the implementation of MCS in Southeast Asia 

      Jaya, IBM Suastika; Wanchana, Worawit ORCID; Sulit, Virgilia T.; Chumchuen, Shiela Villamor (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      Following the UN Fish Stocks Agreement entered into force in December 2001 ensuring the long-term conservation and sustainable use of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks within the framework of the United Nations ...
    • Safeguarding the niche for Southeast Asian fish and fishery products in the world market 

      Jaya, IBM Suastika; Jaiyen, Thumawadee; Moe, Nant Kay Thwe; Panha, Thuch; Sengkapkeo, Vanny; Soliven, Bernadette B.; Sulit, Virgilia T.; Chumchuen, Shiela Villamor (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      As of 2016, the Southeast Asian countries have already secured a niche in the global market for their fish and fishery products, contributing about 13.8% to the world’s total export of fish and fishery products in terms ...
    • Fish for the People Vol. 17 No. 1 

      Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
    • Harnessing the benefits of breeding the Asian medicinal leech 

      Wannapat, Nutthapong (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      The Asian medicinal leech (Hirudinaria manillensis (Lesson, 1842)) can be found in freshwater environments including swamps and paddy fields. In Thailand, the Asian medicinal leech is most abundant in the Northeastern ...
    • Bringing fish catch to homes fresh via fish liner or walkathon: Agusan del Norte, Philippines in focus 

      Rayos, Joseph Christopher C.; Eom, Ciara Mae B.; Dela Cruz, Cathleen D. (Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 2019)
      In many rural areas in the Philippines, fresh fish catch does not usually reach the communities and homes because of transportation and accessibility constraints. As a result, the fish catch that comes to rural areas had ...