Regional technical assistance toward strategies and action plans for sustainable utilization of coastal fish stocks in Tropical Asia. Project summary
Details are given of the Regional Technical Assistance project, conducted to assist selected developing Member Countries of the Southeast Asian region in improving the management and sustainable utilization of their coastal fisheries. The project will have an impact on the management and protection of fishery resources in South and Southeast Asia. It will also contribute to scientific advancement in stock assessment and development of fishery resource databases in developing countries. Project components and expected outputs are outlined.
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. (1997). Regional technical assistance toward strategies and action plans for sustainable utilization of coastal fish stocks in Tropical Asia. Project summary. In Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics in Asia: Proceedings of the FAO/SEAFDEC Regional Workshop on Fishery Statistics, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 August 1997: Vol. II. Fishery and Aquaculture Statistical Systems and Programs (pp. 312-313). Bangkok, Thailand: Secretariat, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center.
The Status of Fisheries in the Republic of Maldives
Faiz, Mohamed (Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1997)The paper discusses the tuna fisheries in Maldives which dominates its fishing industry. Apart from a very strong domestic market, tuna is also the main export commodity of the country. Moreover, reef fisheries such as, ... -
Major fisheries in Thailand and some technical recommendations for their improvement
Nishioka, Yasumasa; Yamazaki, Tomeyoshi (Japan International Cooperation Agency, 1977)Presented in this paper is the development of fisheries industry in Thailand. The data on the production of the principal fisheries species and major fishing methods are also presented. Also included are the recommendations ... -
Status of Fishing Conditions in Cambodia
Sour, Kim; Vuthy, Ros (Training Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, 1997)Fisheries in plays a very important role in Cambodia’s national economic development. Total fish catch production in 1996 was 104 310 tones, about which 60% was contributed by inland capture fisheries, 30% by marine capture ...