Developing technologies for giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) aquaculture in Vietnam, the Philippines and Australia

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This project established a sustainable aquaculture industry for giant grouper in Vietnam and the Philippines through the development of captive breeding and larval-rearing techniques.
Captive breeding innovations and larval-rearing techniques, developed through a collaborative Fisheries project, are sustaining the aquaculture industry for giant grouper in Vietnam and the Philippines.
Groupers are vital to the live reef food-fish trade in South-East Asia, and the giant grouper is a high-value, fast-growing species with significant aquaculture potential.
Establishing a sustainable giant grouper aquaculture industry is a high priority for the region, but research is hampered by the high level of investment required to hold and maintain giant grouper broodstock. Lack of commercial production is also due to limited knowledge about the giant grouper’s maturation and spawning behaviour, and low larval survival.
Suggested Citation
Nocillado, J., Elizur, A., Palma, P., Dennis, L., Ninh, N. H., de Jesus-Ayson, E. G., In, V. V., Thai, T. Q., Anderson, K., Luu, T. H. G., Knibb, W., Knuckey, R., Canépa, M., & Bright, D. (2021). Developing technologies for giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) aquaculture in Vietnam, the Philippines and Australia (p. 71) [Final report]. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
grouper culture
; sustainable aquaculture
; breeding
; sex reversal; spawning
; sterility; cryopreservation
; sexual maturity
; feeding
; stable isotopes
; hybridization
; biotechnology
; gametes
; sex ratio
; dna barcoding
; breeding stock
; groupers
; Epinephelus lanceolatus
; Viet Nam
; Philippines
; Australia
; transcriptome
; Việt Nam
; Philippines
; Australia

Taxonomic term
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